On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Rose Humphrey wrote:

> Le jeudi, 24 juil 2003, à 09:49 Europe/Paris, Ole-Egil Hvitmyren a
> écrit :
> >
> > Anyway, choosing Debian was ok for a lot of people, but there's always
> > someone who just CAN'T keep from buying newer and bigger and better,
> > so suddenly we had a gazillion users with Radeon 8x00 and 9x00 cards
> > out there.

I have a Radeon 8500 and it's almost ancient in PC land.  Even some
games now say minumum requirement of Radeon 8500.  Granted that
doesn't mean much to most Linux users who probably don't care much
about games.
> We could rant for hours about the brainwashing of PC users to always
> buy bigger and "better", which unfortunately also works on many
> AmigaOne users because the mobo uses ordinary PC add-ons. However, as a

It the AmigaOne available?  I thought it was pulled from the market?

> retailer there's another explanation - low end Radeon cards are getting
> harder to find: as an example, my wholesaler has apparently dropped
> Sapphire Radeons with names including numbers under 8500, and I'll be
> blowed if I sell the cheap'n'nasty no-name Radeon 7000s that are all
> they have left.
> I listen to Ole-Egil, I run testing :)

I like Debian a lot.  I run it almost exclusively for Linux.
I must confess that I haven't really tried Redhat, Mandrake,
Yellowdog on PPC, etc.  I did have a Turbo Linux distro on
my Laptop once.  My biggest gripe with Debian is that the stable
distribution is too old and the testing/unstable distribution is
just.. well.. too unstable.  Actually unstable isn't all that
unstable for me.  The biggest problem is lack of modern kernels
for the newer hardware.  I always have to roll my own and all my
computers (except my new laptop) are at least two years old.


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