On Wed, 2003-07-23 14:22:50 +0200, STOJICEVIC E     InfoEdpRsa <[EMAIL 
That could have been somewhat better...

wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I have a freshly installed debian but i cant find the ~ key ?!
> Does someone know if a key map of the keyboard is available somewhere ?

Possibly, you're using some wrong keyboard mapping. To check (or
change), please execute:

# dpkg-reconfigure console-common

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Please send something like that NEVER EVER to a public mailing list!!!


   Jan-Benedict Glaw       [EMAIL PROTECTED]    . +49-172-7608481
   "Eine Freie Meinung in  einem Freien Kopf    | Gegen Zensur | Gegen Krieg
    fuer einen Freien Staat voll Freier Bürger" | im Internet! |   im Irak!
      ret = do_actions((curr | FREE_SPEECH) & ~(IRAQ_WAR_2 | DRM | TCPA));

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