On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 15:06:06 +0200, ?ukasz Studzi?ski wrote:
> W li?cie z ?ro, 16-07-2003, godz. 17:25, Pisupati, Ajay pisze: 
> > this is probably a stupid question but,
> > can you do it manually? (i.e., typing it at the command line?)
> > I just want to make sure that the command is available and usable.  
> Yes, I can do that manually.

And manually, does it work?

> > try putting the full path for trackpad in the script -> eg:
> > /usr/bin/trackpad notap

BTW, it's /sbin/trackpad.

> Still no success.

Are you sure that the command is executed?
Also, you could check for a non-zero exit status.

Vincent Lefèvre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/> - 100%
validated HTML - Acorn Risc PC, Yellow Pig 17, Championnat International des
Jeux Mathématiques et Logiques, TETRHEX, etc.
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / SPACES project at LORIA

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