I am trying to build a customized kernel using kernel-package. My
currently installed kernel-image-2.4.21-powerpc prays having been
compiled using kernel-patch-2.4.21-powerpc. But if I download and
install it, I can't guess the means to apply it.
This creates a directory /usr/src/kernel-patches/powerpc/, and inside
the apply and unpatch subdirectories appears a 0powerpc. That digit
seems to mean that this is to be applied by a run-parts script, but when
I run make-kpkg kernel-image, is seems like the patch is not applied (it
should leave traces under the debian subdirectory at the main
kernel-source directory).
I have tried running ../kernel-patches/powerpc/apply/0powerpc before
make-kpkg, and bizarrely enough I have compilation errors.
For compiling, I use exactly the original /boot/config-2.4.21-powerpc
placed by the kernel-image package.
$ dpkg -l kernel* | grep ^ii
ii kernel-doc-2.4 2.4.21-2 Linux kernel specific documentation
for vers
ii kernel-image-2 2.4.21-1 Linux kernel binary image.
ii kernel-package 8.042 A utility for building Linux kernel
ii kernel-patch-2 20030706-1 Reduces the latency of the Linux kernel
ii kernel-patch-2 20030617-4 Reduces the latency of the Linux kernel
ii kernel-patch-2 2.4.21-1 Diffs to the kernel source for PowerPC
ii kernel-patch-s 0.99.27 Scripts to help dealing with packaged
ii kernel-source- 2.4.21-2 Linux kernel source for version 2.4.21
I see kernel-source version is 2.4.21-2 but kernel-patch version is
2.4.21-1, could this be the reason? Any ideas?
Regards, Ismael