Sorry about that - I replied and it sent it to you, not the list as I had assumed it would...

So how do I reconfigure the X windows system?

On Saturday, July 12, 2003, at 03:13 PM, Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra wrote:

Em Sáb, 2003-07-12 às 21:59, Steven escreveu:

How do I get the X configuration screen back?  I want to see what the
choices for video cards are...

        Please ask that in the list...

/ \  Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra     +41 (21) 648 11 34
\ /         +41 (78) 778 11 34
/ \  Answer to the list, not directly to me!    +55 (11) 5686 2219
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