On 12 Jul, this message from Joss Winn echoed through cyberspace: > Yep, this caught me out at midnight last night and I've yet to > tackle it. > I can only boot into runlevel two (where booting now stops). It > won't let me login though.
Yeah; not a lot you can do... I was able to mke it boot by specifying init=/bin/sh. However, I found no way to downgrade libc6 before I shot myself in the foot and was forced to boot from another disk.... > My plan was to use the debian install cd 1 to boot and mount the > linux partition. I should be able to downgrade from there, right? That should be possible... hmmm... I have put up a .tgz archive on my site containing just libc and its associated symbolic link. When booting from the install CD, you can untar that over the bad libc (from within /target/lib). It's available here: http://www.cpu.lu/~mlan/ftp/debian/libc6/ > What is the downgraded command I should be using? I usd dpkg; I'm sure some apt-get can also do it, but I was too lazy to look it up. On my site I have put the relevant .debs; get them and insall them thus: dpkg -i libc6*deb locale*deb Cheers Michel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michel Lanners | " Read Philosophy. Study Art. 23, Rue Paul Henkes | Ask Questions. Make Mistakes. L-1710 Luxembourg | email [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.cpu.lu/~mlan | Learn Always. "