We're about to get an IBM p-series machine here for evaluation.  We run
Debian on our other servers, and it would be nice to stay standardized
on one distribution.  I'm perfectly happy compiling my own kernels and
even my own toolchain.  But I'm wondering if Debian has any packages
that support the 64 bit powerpc environment.  Specifically, if there are
64 bit glibc packages, that would be great, and toolchain packages would
be nice as well.

If there aren't glibc packages, how difficult is it to replace Debian's
glibc with another one?  Or can I drop in a 64 bit glibc just for the 64
bit packages?  Can 64 bit libs mix with 32 bit ones, or am I going to
have to recompile the rest of the libraries I care about myself also?

I guess this will be a more widespread issue once linux runs on powermac
G5's, which at least gives me hope that people have been thinking about
this.  :-)

Daniel Eisenbud

Daniel E. Eisenbud
Computational Biology Center
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

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