> > what's the reason for gcc 2.95 compiled kernels and gcc 3.3 compiled
> > modules to not cooperate cleanly?
> This:
> #if (__GNUC__ > 2 || __GNUC_MINOR__ > 95)
>   typedef struct { } spinlock_t;
>   #define SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED (spinlock_t) { }
> #else
>   typedef struct { int gcc_is_buggy; } spinlock_t;
>   #define SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED (spinlock_t) { 0 }
> #endif

That would explain any hangs, yes. Truely evil.

> > So yes, this situation definitely warrants a debconf message.
> Anybody aware of a method of finding the gcc version that was used to
> build the running kernel, other than grepping /var/log/dmesg and
> hoping it is correct?

AFAICT that info is correct (as it's generated during the build).


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