I've got this "lost interrupt error" also, while trying to boot
from a hard disk connected to an acard aec6260M, which is used in a mac
b&w rev1. I've compiled the 2.4.18 kernel with the driver version 0.9 with
both settings tuning support y and n, but got always the same error.

If the drive, which is connected to the aec6260M is accessed after
starting the mac from a debian installation binary cd, there isn't any
error and it's possible for the installation system  to write the kernel on the
connected disk, but restart from this disk later isn't possible due to the
lost interrupt error. Because Michel Lanners asked me in an earlier
posting which interrupt is assigned to the acard aec 6260M I've looked at
this in detail and saw that there is assigned a diffrent interrupt to the
card wether the system is started from installation cd or from the hard
disk itself (irq 13 versus 23).
If anyone is able to go further with this I can post dmesg after starting
from the hard disk and cat/proc/pci after starting from installation iso,
comparing this, I've seen the diffrent interrupts assigned to the card.
Any solution on the problem is really appreciated,

Bye Rolf

> i got 2.4.20-ben8 to work with my aec6280m by setting
> however, in 2.4.21-ben2, the latter option seems to have disapeared and
> i get (again) lots of
> hdX: dma_timer_expiry: dma status == 0x24
> hdX: lost interrupt
> hdX: dma_intr: bad DMA status (dma_stat=30)
> hdX: dma_intr: status=0x50 { DriveReady SeekComplete }
> whenever a harddisk that is connected to the acard is accessed.
> has anyone succeeded in putting this card to work with a 2.4.21 kernel?
> btw, many thanks to benjamin herrenschmidt at this point. your work for
> the linux/ppc port is greatly appreciated!

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