El Sábado, 5 de Julio de 2003 17:43, Nirmal Govind escribió:
> Hi.. does anyone know how I can connect my ibook running Debian PPC to a PC
> running Windows XP so that I can transfer files between the two? Is there a
> USB cable that can do this? Does the twisted ethernet cable work between a
> Mac and a PC? Any help would be greatly appreciated..

Use an ethernet cable, doesn't matter if is twisted or don't: ibook's ethernet 
card, does that for you.

About the software, I don't know what to say, cause I never conected against a 
Winbugs machine. Maybe Samba?

Best regards.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) - GPG ID 0xAA8D2A01
http://lacurva.net/ - Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
BOFH excuse #29:

It works the way the Wang did, what's the problem

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