On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, Fred Heitkamp wrote: > On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, [iso-8859-1] Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra wrote: > > > On Mon, 30 Jun 2003 08:43:36 +0200, Sven Luther wrote: > > > > > > I mean, it would be much harder to Jobs argue the failure of > > the Mac clone if IBM was there... but why IBM would succeed with the > > Mac clone where it failed with its own PowerPC OS/2. > > Supposedly OS/2 for PowerPC was so slow and buggy, IBM did > not want to release it. (I think I read that somewhere.)
Wasn't finished. I had enormous problems with OS/2 up to Warp Connect FP20, and that would have been about the time the PPC port was set aside. Likely had it proceeded, OS/2 would have continued and I'd be using OS/2 today;-) Remember IBM and Apple had joint development efforts back then on things such as OpenDoc and SOM. -- Cheers John Summerfield Please, no off-list mail at all at all. This address accepts mail only from Debian addresses.