Hi, > Well, they do... internally to Apple ;) Apple is quite clear in it's > total absence of interest about Linux on their machines. Some ppl here > even consider us as a competitor...
And I remember all of the time and effort many of us in the community put in to help Apple in its MkLinux project when they were using a pre glibc-2 build and had to hand apply kernel patches to integrate the Mach kernel and the linux kernel/client, etc. I remember reminding Apple about that when I asked if they would share their HotSpot port with Blackdown (both signed Sun's JDK agreement so there were no license concerns) and basically got shit-on in response. Sometimes I think that Apple (and most other companies) do not understand the impact of community goodwill, and its true value. And Apple is not alone - IBM's JDK 1.4.1 (due to a "programmers mistake" ;-)) actually checks /proc/cpuinfo under Linux PPC and decided it would abort if a G4 was found Although they have promised to fix it, the version I downloaded today is still the same "broken" one. I seemed to be one of the few that was outraged by that behavior. Waiting on big-name companies to "help out" is a big mistake. We are on our own and we need to become even more self-sufficient IMHO. Kevin