On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, Frank Murphy wrote:

> > i can't hear any music cd, not with xmms (the proper plugin is installed),
> > not with kscd.
> You won't hear any sound with kscd on Apple PPC hardware. kscd assumes that 
> the CD drive is directly connected to the sound card, which it's not on Apple 
> hardware. I assume that you have the xmms-cdread package installed to read 
> the CDs. Do you have the xmmsarts package installed? And properly configured? 
> If so, you'll hear static on woody (on PPC). It's fixed on sid and sarge 
> though
i desinstaled xmmsarts package, because i upgrade to kde 3.1.2, and it 
uses libarts1, not libarts. if i try to install xmmsarts package the 
system would desinstall all kde.

> > i have disable arts. (if i don't do this, i can't hear xmms)
> The fact that you can't hear xmms with arts enabled means that you don't have 
> xmmsarts configured. How do you disable arts?
i turn it of in kontrol center

> > my konsole make no sound (it souposed to beep)(just when i log as root)
> >
> > the users are in cdrom and audio groups.
> The fact that konsole makes sound as root is normally a sign that the groups 
> are wrong. In this case I imagine you disabled arts as your user, but not as 
> root.
thats right, but if i enable arts as user, still no konsole sound.
in what groups the users should be?

> > If in my kde session i mount a cd, dvd, or try to play a music cd, when i
> > logout i can hear the kde logout sound. if i don't do anythig with cd
> > cdrom, when i logout i can't hear anysound.
> This is wierd, and may be a bug in KDE where the preference to not use arts 
> is 
> being ignored sometimes. But it shouldn't matter in your case.
> > Any ideas to can hear music-cd?
> The only way to (graphically) listen to CD music in KDE (which uses arts) is 
> to use xmms with the xmms-cdread and xmmsarts plugins. But, on woody, the 
> sound is corrupted. It's OK on sarge, and you should be able to compile 
> xmmsarts for woody.
i would try to recomplie for libarts1 use.

> > how can i get sound in my konsole?
> Enable arts on startup. In the Kontrol Center, under audio system, you should 
> be able to enable arts.
still no sound

> > why if i mount a cd or somthig like that i can hear the logout sound?
> No clue.
a big mistery (or a bug).

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