What about the volume ? ... How can I increase it if I only have Debian in my iBook Blueberry (as far as I remember the only way was doing it in the Mac side)?, BTW I using the Woody stock Kernel.
Blessings All.. Carlos. >With xmms, you have to have the option to read digital >audio checked >in the AudioCD reader plugin and you must specify the >dev node of >the cd directly. Pointing xmms to /cdrom won't work. >For example, >I always have to point xmms to (or open file to path >if xmms is >already running): /dev/sr0 > >xmms works but is fussy about the way it works with >digital audio >cds. I have to clear the playlist window and selcted >/dev/sr0 each >time I put a new cd in otherwise xmms hangs. > >joss __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month! http://sbc.yahoo.com