I found the script to alter boot-floppies. My oldworld
powerbook (wallstreet) now boots. But it would be nice
to get it booting off the internal internal drive.
When I do ofpath from Linux, it says
/pci/mac-io/ata0/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:2 for the device path of
/dev/hda2, my root partition, but that is not working
as a boot device from OF. I've tried manually
exploring the device tree, and it seems like that
device path just does not exist there to OF (ver.
2.0.1, btw). For example, I do a 'dev
/pci/mac-io/ata0', then I ls that, and only
/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED],0 are there. pwd shows I'm on the
pci bus:
So, there seems to be a discrepancy between what the
kernel is seeing and what OF is telling me it sees.
Anyone, any experience with something like this? The
previous owner couldn't get it to boot macos even.
Perhaps this was a problem that was fixed by patches
to the nvram which got zapped by a dead internal
(pram) battery? 

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