On Thu, Jun 19, 2003 at 01:25:43AM -0700, Eric Pretorious wrote:
> I'm looking for a Integrated Development Environment or a GUI-editor with 
> syntax highlighting/coloring for scripting in PHP/Perl/HTML/Javascript 
> files in KDE. Are there any that stand-out from the rest?
> I've looked at glimmer, jed, xedit, abiword, etc., and all the others that 
> come along with KDE3.
> * nedit seems long-in-the-tooth (e.g., PHP is not one of the languages that 
> it recognizes) but the most like my favorite editor: BBEdit;
> * glimmer's a close-second but hasn't been updated in 3 years,
> * jed is terminal based so it isn't really GUI,
> * abiword seems more like a word-processor (like StarOffice), and
> * Xedit is extremely spartan.
> Are there any other editors that I should take a look at?

gvim or emacs, depending on which side of the vi/emacs fence you come
down on. Both do syntax hilighting and run in X. Or Quanta Plus if you
want something that is an actual KDE app.

Michael Heironimus

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