The main problem with the iMac static is that if it has been reported
it's not easy to find. (Try doing a search for imac and static...)

My observations are that sound worked under the old kernel but apparently
broke when the sound area was redone. I've found some suggestion that
it's a byte order problem.

Adding to this is the fact that most docs are PC-centric and many PPC
docs aren't actively maintained that I can see. (Not complaining, just an
observation based on some things in the install not quite matching the
PPC install document.)

On the sound front I've copied scores of lists of drivers and modules for
configuring this or that. Some I have, some I don't. (I did my final 2.4
install today and once I've got the zip working and a firewall, I'll have
better access for stuff.) The real problem with these conflicting lists
is a) Linux docs tend to leave out the more basic things (like how to set
a path, where the fstab file is or the difference and conflicts from
various sound configurations and daemons) and b) none of them quite match
anything I can find, either this is depreciated or not avialable for PPC
or whatever. A few have suggested that it's merely a matter of aliases in
conf files. I got the impression at one point that if I could get
dmasound_pmac to stay at 8 bit the problem would go away.

The short of it is, to try alsa, I need an up to date, ppc specific
howto. (I'm running silent since the hisses echoing my cursor movements
is worrying the technician in me.)

What I do know (this is based on my slot loading DVD iMac but may have
wider application):
  Sound once worked, now it half works.
  This is a known problem.
  Many suggestions have been made by people who don't have to do it, many
  have been based on encouraging newbies to hack drivers.
  i2c, while needed on some is not loaded or needed on this model.
  soundcore and dmasound are ok, but silent. dmasound_pmac completes the
  trio and brings the hiss/
  The aleged KDE problem appears to be based on DMA/ALSA compatability
  issues and the fact that most sound packages, including arts have
  multiple versions and dependencies that can leave fragments of other
  systems installed. (I don't know too much about this dependency issue
  since I'm hardly a Linux guru, but I do think that arts was having
  issues from what I saw while doing multipe installs and reconfiguring
  everything. I've also read that in the end, arts doesn't like DMA

I'd like to try alsa, but it's not all on the 7 CD set and I haven't been
able to figure what bits I need to download and then I need to configure
and compile then (something I should learn anyway since C64 machine
language isn't going to impress the kernel).

That's my preliminary report. In a couple of days I may try tackling the
ALSA and see what happens.
BTW, I've seen mention of an AWACS driver or somesuch, but I haven't seen
it in 2.2 or 2.4 modconf listings. Anyone are to comment? I'd also
welcome module list, special configuration or anything else from someone
running 2.4 and ALSA.

I'd like to point out that in response to my earlier comments: I can set
a path, find fstab and I came across some extra docs, including newbie
everything I said in that reference might have to be replaced with the
question of how to suggest that tasksel have a newbie documentation

And pardon if this is slightly rambling and a bit incoherent, it's late
and I've been staring at dselect for 12 hours.
And if someone cold mention what's with the benh kernel...
C Evans
PS If anybody that contributed to debian or the PPC port is reading this,
I'd like to say thank you. Even for the intall guide and deselet
tutorial, both of which were helpful, even if slightly dated due to the
hectic schedule of volunteers.

On Tue, 17 Jun 2003 23:43:26 +0100, "North London John"
> (Apologies - replied directly to Chris T.)
> Begin forwarded message:
> > From: North London John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Tue Jun 17, 2003  11:41:56 PM Europe/London
> > To: "Chris Tillman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: iMac static
> >
> > This iMac static issue has been reported for Mandrake 8.2 and 9.1, and
> > Yellow Dog 2.3 and 3.0. It's been the bane of my ppclinux life. There
> > is very little info out there about how to correct it, and a some
> > quite wrong stuff (it was suggested that KDE was somehow involved -
> > but I installed M 9.1 with Gnome and no KDE at all, yet still got the
> > hiss). There's been a lot of discussion on the Yellow Dog mailing
> > lists, but no fix has been found.
> >
> > As far as I can tell, it is a problem with dmasound_pmac, and the
> > solution is to dump that and use ALSA.
> >
> > Big disclaimer: I'm very much a newbie and really don't understand
> > what goes on inside my mac.
> >
> > Please let the list know what happens with installing Alsa.
> >
> > John
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 02:00 AM, Chris Tillman wrote:
> >
> >> On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 09:33:27PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>> I've been trying to get sound on my iMac (slot loading DVD) with a
> >>> Woody
> >>> r1 install. I managed to get sound with esd in the default (2.2)
> >>> kernel
> >>> but I want to use the 2.4. When I use the 2.4 and add the
> >>> dmasound_pmac
> >>> module, I get mostly white noise from the speakers. esd will run
> >>> still
> >>
> >> I got this also from cdda2wav before I figured out that I had to
> >> specify
> >> the source as little-endian (these are commercial CDs).
> >>
> >>> and I can hear the effects although they're rather staticy(?). (I
> >>> also
> >>> get clicks and pitch changes that parallel display changes (i.e.
> >>> clicking
> >>> as text scrolls by like when you have a short in a PS2 mouse port).
> >>> I was
> >>
> >> I have heard that too.
> >>
> >>> thinking that I might need to pass something to the module but I
> >>> don't
> >>> know what.
> >>> I'm going to try to do this with ALSA while I wait for a reply, in
> >>> the
> >>> event I should fail the secretary...never mind.
> >>> Thanks for the help.
> >
> --
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