On 17 Jun 2003 at 15:22, Jens Francke wrote:

> hi,
> i am using AEC6280M in a beige G3.
> with 2.4.20 i needed benH´s tree to make it work.
> i just compiled the 2.4.21 vanilla last weekend. AEC6280M works like a
> charme without any patches:)

With no funny settings?

> give it a try

I will, but the procedure is still quite difficult: the installation
kernel doesn't like the AEC6280M, as it simply stops even before it
mounts the root partition, even if no devices are attached to the
AEC6280M. That means I have to install on a plain system, build a
kernel that knows about AEC6280M (and doesn't think it's a AEC6280R
by mistake) then subtly introduce the AEC6280M and maybe quietly
attach an hd after that. When all that is done, I may be able to copy
the system to the true destination on the (large) hd attached to the
AEC6280M, and hopefully still have a running system.

If it isn't openfirmware that gets lost in the process, it's Debian
PPC (vanilla woody, at 64kbits/s no bandwidth here to update it
properly) that throws a fit. When I get something of a system going,
I'll definitely give 2.4.21 a good look.


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