Hello, All:
I need your help: I can't get Xserver to work on my PowerBook G3.
(I'm using Woody.)
I've never used X before - This is my first time using Linux as a desktop.
I've only used it in a server environment in the past.
I've researched the video spec's at apple.com
(http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=43120) and by searching
Google but wasn't able to find much of the information that the
dpkg-reconfigure script (`dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86`) is asking for.
e.g., Driver, sync/refresh rates, mouse type, keyboard type, etc.
I recall reading somewhere that the Lombard uses an ATI driver but can not
find much else. Please help!
Eric P.
Sunnyvale, CA
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