scripsit Boris Bezlaj:
> I also have IMS TT 128 with 8MB may be similar to yours.  With
> stock kernel i have problems initializing it(only works with
> video=ofonly..kind of). I patched the driver to force the detection of
> TI TVP3030 ramdac instead of IBM ramdac(seems like they use the same
> PCI ID and different ramdacs).

Can you share your patch?  I noticed that when I got it to boot without
video=ofonly, the TT128 was identified as `(IBM)', which struck me as

> I use append="video=imsttfb:vmode:17:cmode:8" with quik and it works
> well in console mode. In X i have some problems with wrapping,
> otherwise it works.

That's with the patched kernel, right?

> See these pictures if you have the same problems
> (OpenFirmware/console/X):

Yep, that's it.  

> No idea how to fix the wrap problem in X..still working on that.

Is the wrap problem using the imstt driver or a generic?

Pax vobiscum; pax cum omnibus.

Thanasis Kinias
tkinias at
Doctoral Student, Department of History
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.

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