Hi again,

On Friday 06 June 2003 14:09, I wrote:
> I am trying to install Debian on a B50 which seems to be a CHRP machine
> (I am quite sure by now). All woody install kernels fail on it like:
> Is there a potato netinst CD ISO mirror (or something like) around? Or
> has someone a newer chrp kernel image ready for woody? Or can I jigdo
> the pieces together?

funnily, not all mirrors have the images, I found them at the US mirror:

I try to use the rescue image:

0 > boot floppy:\linux.bin load_ramdisk=1 root=/dev/ram video=keep chrpboot 
starting: loaded at 0x400000
avail_ram = 4e5000
                  gunzipping (0x10000 <- 0x415cb8:0x4e3194)...done 1934704 
start address = 0x10000
instantiating rtas...rtas at 00565000
copying OF device tree...done

the LCD blanks out and nothing happens any more. Not even the reset button 
reboots the B50.
I access the machine over the serial console as there is no video card 
installed. I guess the video=keep would tell the kernel not to change to 
the (nonexistent) video framebuffer.

What's wrong with the kernel? Should I compile one with just serial support 
and the correct command line (ramdisk etc.)



Krisztian Mark Szentes
produktivIT   -  Open-Source Solution Provider
Siebenbrunnengasse 55/7
A-1050 Wien

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