On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 05:00, Nirmal Govind wrote: > Hi.. I have the ibook2 and benh kernel 2.4.20-ben10 .. when I put the ibook > to > sleep by closing the lid, the display and the backlight go off, then come on > again and then go off.. is this the same behavior in the latest kernel too?
Probably. Attached are some of the files I've been using to solve this and other problems, I guess it would be nice if some of this was integrated properly into pmud. Comments appreciated. -- Earthling Michel Dänzer \ Debian (powerpc), XFree86 and DRI developer Software libre enthusiast \ http://svcs.affero.net/rm.php?r=daenzer
#!/bin/bash logger=/usr/bin/logger localfun=/etc/power/pwrctl-local function pwrctl_Core99() { case "$1" in minimum) ;; medium) ;; maximum) ;; warning) ;; sleep) # Save fblevel invoke-rc.d pmud-utils stop || true # Turn off panel fblevel 0 # Don't want the broken function in pwrctl to be run exit 1 ;; wakeup) # Restore fblevel and trackpad settings invoke-rc.d pmud-utils start || true # Adjust time invoke-rc.d ntpdate restart || true # Start cronjobs if necessary invoke-rc.d anacron start < /dev/null || true ;; *) $logger -p daemon.error -t pwrctl-local "$0: invalid arg $1" ;; esac case "$2" in ac) $logger -p daemon.info -t pwrctl-local "ac in, remounting with atime" mount -o remount,atime / [ -f /proc/cpufreq ] && echo 667000:1000000:performance > /proc/cpufreq ;; *) $logger -p daemon.info -t pwrctl-local "on battery, remounting with noatime" mount -o remount,noatime / [ -f /proc/cpufreq ] && echo 667000:1000000:powersave > /proc/cpufreq ;; esac } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # main # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- case "$PMUVERSION" in 12) pwrctl_Core99 $1 $2 ;; *) $logger -p daemon.error -t pwrctl-local "no function for PMU $PMUVERSION" ;; esac >>/var/log/pwrctls 2>&1 exit 0
#! /bin/sh # # pmud-utils Power Manager daemon for Apple powerbooks utilities # # chkconfig: 2345 39 61 # description: miscellaneous pmud related utilities # config: /etc/default/pmud-utils /etc/default/fblevel PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin NAME=pmud-utils DESC="PowerBook Miscellaneous Utilities" # Read fblevel settings from /etc/default if available FBLEVELFILE=/etc/default/fblevel [ -f $FBLEVELFILE ] && FBLEVEL=`cat $FBLEVELFILE 2>/dev/null` # Source options [ -f /etc/default/pmud-utils ] && . /etc/default/pmud-utils (test -f /sbin/fblevel || test -f /sbin/trackpad) || exit 0 # See how we were called. case "$1" in start|reload) echo -n "Setting up $NAME: fblevel" [ "$FBLEVEL" = "" ] || /sbin/fblevel $FBLEVEL echo -n " trackpad" [ "$TRACKPAD" = "" ] || /sbin/trackpad $TRACKPAD echo "." ;; stop) echo -n "Saving $NAME settings: fblevel" rm -f $FBLEVELFILE tempfile -n $FBLEVELFILE >/dev/null || { echo "cannot create $FBLEVELFILE" exit 1 } /sbin/fblevel > $FBLEVELFILE echo "." ;; status) FBLVL=`/sbin/fblevel` echo "Panel backlight level: $FBLVL." ;; *) echo "Usage: pmud {start|reload|stop|status}" exit 1 esac exit 0
# Arguments to /sbin/fblevel. This is saved in /etc/default/fblevel, but you can # override that here. #FBLEVEL=11 # Arguments to be passed to /sbin/trackpad TRACKPAD=notap