On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 16:08, Francis Pressland wrote:
> Hi!
> I am trying to install debian onto my 1GHz Powerbook 15" with German 
> keyboard. I
> downloaded and burned to CD the Powerpc_woody iso using jigdo from my i386 
> Linux
> machine. (Jan this year)
> I installed booting from the CD and selecting install24 and did a base install
> from the CD and  "desktop" selection  from tasksel via ftp. 
> I now have a basic installation and can boot into linux or OSX via yaboot.
> Unfortunately I can't get X to run 
> So...
> I decided to update  to one of Ben Herrenschmidt's 2.4 powerpc kernels as well
> as the XFree 4.2 .deb package from Herr Daenzer 
> .
> My first problem is that I am unable to find the "tilde" character on the
> keyboard. I OSX its ALT "N" but the ALT and CTL keys are just not working as
> expected.
> If anyone here has already been down this road and solved the problem, I would
> be gratefull for a few tips on where to start.
I had the same problem, probably you want to apt-get Daenzers Xfree
Stuff and don't get the ~ in the console, do "loadkeys us" so you get
the tilde on the key under the "esc" key.
Beware there changes a lot more 'cause now you have a
us-keyboard-layout. To get back to the german layout do "loadkeys de",
you might wanna do this switching consoles so you can edit
apt/sources.list in one and do loadkeys in the other. 

Then, for when you get X running i quote the message I got from Claas
Langbehn about this:


"To get the german keymap working with X11, do the following:

1.) Edit your XF86config-4's InputDevice-Section as follows:

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Generic Keyboard"
        Driver          "keyboard"
        Option          "CoreKeyboard"
        Option          "LeftAlt"       "Meta"
        Option          "RightAlt"      "Meta"
        Option          "ScrollLock"    "Compose"
        Option          "RightCtl"      "Control"
        Option          "XkbRules"      "xfree86"
        Option          "XkbLayout"     "de"
        Option          "XkbVariant"    "nodeadkeys"

2.) Apply the attached patch file. It patches 
/etc/X11/xkb/keycodes/xfree86 and sets the AppleKey to
be AltGr. 

3.) Restart your X11

4.) test it:
AppleKey + q should give @ now.
AppleKey + < gives |
Applekey + ß gives \
Applekey + + gives ~
You see, this is exactly how it works on x86 keyboards.
If you want to get @ on AppleKey+L, then I can't help you.
I prefer the x86-mapping. I never got used to the MAC-OS

By the way, Keypad-Enter is mapped as Delete with this patch.
That's the key left of cursor-left. Like this you get the missing
Delete-key back.

Bye, claas"

>end quote

you might wanna leave out the "nodeadkeys" option, so you get äöü or
what ever it was.

I'll send you the quoted patch in privat. 



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