El mié, 28-05-2003 a las 16:42, Rory Campbell-Lange escribió:
> I haven't done any apt-get updates in the last three weeks. When I did
> a couple in the last few days my pbbuttonsd upgraded itself to 0.5.3a-2.
> My function keys don't control the screen brightness anymore, and the
> pbbuttonsd daemon doesn't register my keystrokes as activity counting
> towards keeping the screen undimmed -- under the default install every
> 60 seconds the screen dims unless I touch the trackpad. Most annoying!
> I hope to sort this out before I go on holiday in the next few days,
> when I will need to use the battery a good deal. Anyone know a solution?
> I'm worried previous versions use the old libc6...


I had a problem with pbbuttonsd because my ibook went to sleep in 20
seconds (maybe it was tired ;-). I found the solution because I found
that the configuration file of pbbutons has changed and the options were
different. Look up the /etc/pbbutons*  (I don't remember the exactly
name of the configuration file and I'm not at the ibook now) and you'll
find a backup of the last configuration file and the new one. You'll see
the changes.

I hope you can undestrand my worst english.



gpg pub  1024D/A2D21610 Marta Pla i Castells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Key fingerprint = 9578 8116 FC87 C4D2 1A5C  993F 86B4 52D2 A2D2 1610

Marta Pla i Castells ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Instituto de Robótica   |   Robotics Institute
Universidad de Valencia |   University of Valencia
España                  |   Spain


Mathematicians are like Frenchmen:
Whenever you say something to them, they translate it into
their own language, and at once it is something entirely different


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