Martin-Éric, The debian packages are identical to the previous -02b packages with the exception that they were built with a -02d installer binary for jdk 1.3.1 instead of the old -02b one. I have not problems running java applets here in mozilla and galeon under debian sid. You did install the java-common package right? Can you load the news ticker in That works fine here... Jack ps Also note that the mozilla 1.3.1-1 is broken in sid so you don't want to upgrade to that.
- Re: Blackdown JAVA on Debian Sid/PPC Martin-Éric Racine
- Re: Blackdown JAVA on Debian Sid/PPC Jack Howarth
- Re: Blackdown JAVA on Debian Sid/PPC pander
- Re: Blackdown JAVA on Debian Sid/PPC Jack Howarth