Le Wed, May 21, 2003 at 10:12:38PM +0300, Martin-Éric Racine a écrit:
> Greetings,
> I was trying the package apt-build (a really neat tool to rebuild all or some 
> of
> the installed packages on one's workstation, including all dependencies) and
> noticed that CPU-specific optimization options are missing on PPC and HPPA.

Yes, but I do not know PPC and HPPA ! ;-)

> As I do not know everything there is to know about either architecture, I'd
> welcome knowledgeable people on both lists to send the package author's (CC
> Julien Danjou) what similar CPU options should be offered on PPC and HPPA.

This would be great.

> Apt-build has already brought benefits similar to Pentium-builder on my Intel
> boxes, except that apt-build is designed as a generic framework that can
> accomodate other architectures, which is much smarter than Pentium-builder.


I am listening to any idea.



Julien Danjou
.''`.  Debian developer
: :' : http://jdanjou.org
`. `'  http://people.debian.org/~acid
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