On Thu, May 15, 2003 at 09:45:19AM +0000, Clive Menzies wrote:
> Hi Tim
> On Thursday, May 15, 2003, at 05:13  pm, Tim Weippert wrote:
> >i have both Debian (SID) and Mac OS X on a Powerbook G4. I have read
> >that Mac OS X use UTC to save/set the hardware clock.
> >
> >I thought i have to say my Debian installation, that the clock will be
> >set to GMT and then calc the right time depend on the timezone, but it
> >is strange, the time isn't correct, it's about 20 hours in the future.
> >
> >I can't figure out what i have to do to have the right time wihtin Mac
> >OS X and Debian (CEST Timezone Europe/Berlin)?
> >
> >Has anyone an idea?
> I've had this problem both on Intel and Mac (G4) machines;  the 
> solution I used was to rerun base-config and answer "no" to "Set 
> hardware clock to GMT". Debian then seemed to use the time that had 
> been established in OSX - it was a real pain having to reset the clock 
> by an hour every time I booted into OSX ;-(

I heard they are tools for both windows and macos to have it use a
UTC/GMT clock and do the adjustment automatically. 


Sven Luther

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