Citeren David Friggens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > ] I've read on the list you want to tell the trackpad notap > > I've got my trackpad set to notap with pbbuttonsd and have the same > issue. That's just to stop the trackpad acting as a button, I think. > > > Yes, that's true.. it works OK on OS X.. and "inaccurate" is exactly > > the word I was looking for.. :-) Wonder if there's any solution to > > this? > > It worked fine when I lowered the sensitivity in KDE. I assume there's > some X setting for outside of KDE but I haven't gotten around to > looking in to it just yet. Hopefully someone else has done so and can > save us the search ... :-) >
When you set notap for the trackpad you will get tired after a while of wokring with the relativly heavy single mouse button (at least on a PowerBook). An alternative with setting notap, is that you set F10 to mouse button 1, like probably most people have F11 as mouse 2 and F12 as mouse 3. This is especially handy when you are left handed. Pander > David -- _____________________________________________________________________ 2x sneller ADSL met Zon Breedband Family. In combinatie met ZonTel nu voor maar 29 euro per maand. Bestel nu op Bovendien met gratis modem en geen aansluitkosten!