On Fri, May 02, 2003 at 11:58:41PM +0200, Francois Taiani wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> a colleage of mine installed Debian woody recently on a G3 beige, but
> could not get it boot either from the OF nor cdrom/floppy. The only
> solution was to use BootX (shipped with debian) from MacOS 9. (A fairly
> acceptable solution, as the switch from MacOS9 can be made automatic at
> boot time.)

You can make quik work, but you have to download a patched version of
one of the components. Read this thread:


and you shall be enlightened. Good luck! I've wrangled with beige G3s
on several occasions.

Forrest L Norvell

       . . . the self-reflecting image of a narcotized mind . . .
ozymandias G desiderata     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     desperate, deathless
(415)823-6356       http://www.pushby.com/forrest/       ::AOAIOXXYSZ::

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