I'm using a G3 graphite slot-loading 600mhz CRT iMac, and have been
using Yellow Dog 2.3 and Mandrake 8.1 and 9.1.
I'm going to put Debian on this box soon, but want to check one detail
out first.
With all the distros I've so far used on this machine, I get an awful
hiss of static from the moment sound is initialised until shutdown. I
have googled and googled, but found nothing particularly helpful. I
have seen complaints on both Mandrake and YD lists/forums (where I've
looked the hardest) but not on this list (or for, eg, Gentoo).
This makes me think it could be something to do with Red Hat (upon
which both Mdrake and YD are based.) But it may be a problem with the
particular type of sound hardware in this machine. I've also read that
it may be something to do with KDE's sound drivers.
Could someone with a box similar to mine please confirm that there
isn't this problem and that sound works on Debian?