Hi everybody,
after installing Debian on an iBook 2.2 and running it very fine for
some months I now experience problems with my touchpad :(
I'm not sure whether this is a software problem or a hardware problem
but I wanted to ask here if some of you perhaps got similar problems(?).
When using the iBook for around half an hour or longer my mouse starts
to hang spontaniously. I can solve this hanging by either pressing a
keyboard button or by pressing the touchpad a bit harder.. As the second
solution does not seem very nice to me I mostly try the first one. Those
problems do also appear when I often use the suspend mode instead of
shutting down the system completely.
In the last few days when I enjoyed this great weather outside it
happened that I could not even get the mouse running when pressing any
button :( So I booted into MacOS X but even there the mouse hang off
after a few movements, I did not get it moving again.. What strikes me
about the test with MacOS is the fact that the mouse problem was even
worse than with Debian.. So I shut the system down, enjoyed the weather
and started it again when it was completely cool again. Only booted into
MacOS and it hang again! Just when I moved the mouse the first time on
an icon and tried to click it..
The next day everything was fine again, now I'm writing this mail,
running Debian and experiencing no problems with the touchpad again..
Can anybody tell me why? :)
Really got no idea..
Could it be a hardware error? Why does this not appear more regularely?
Florian Feigenbutz.

By the way:  
I'm running 2.4.20-ben10 kernel on Debian unstable.

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