I've have a atlhon 1.33MHz, a Celeron 1.1MHz and an ibook 700MHz.
They'r all running debian.
The ibook ir comparable to de celeron....but the celeron has a riva tnt2....
They both got the same amount of memory and hdparm says the disks are similar in speed...
The athlon beats the crap out of the ibook and the celeron (together!) =)

Of course that the ibook has a G3 not G4 processor but i think it is very unlikely that you can compare a 1GHz G4 to a 2GHz PIV.....
Maybe its better not to compare...
Apple's laptops are great because you can get a light machine, with good hardware (not just cpu...), 4 to 5 hours of battery time and it works great with OS X and Debian....
Another advantage is that it doesn't run windows =)

If you chose a x86 machine for the SAME price you are probably getting a desktop cpu (not mobile)...maybe a graphics card with shared memory....and 1h or 2 of battery time. What you get in return is a faster CPU, maybe a little more disk or RAM, and 30% more weigth....

Maybe this changes from country to country because apple prices are the same everywhere and x86 machines aren't....

Check out http://www.gericom.com for a x86 laptop that can be compare to the ibook:

the Gericom A2 http://www.gericom.com/gericom2001/page.cfm?page=notebooks_productserie&serie=51
with a 800MHz Crusoe

Miguel Santos

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