Hello again!

My machine: PPC 9600/350
My problem: it breathes with any problem

I am trying to set the parameters in order to boot the correct kernel
image. As some list members wrote, I am using the nvsetenv command.
This is the configuration set by me with nvsetenv command:

little-indian?    false
real-mode?      false
auto-boot?      false
diag-switch?            false
fcode-debug?            false
oem-banner?     false
oem-logo?       false
use-nvramrc?            false
real-base       0xffffffff
real-size       0x100000
virt-base       0xffffffff
virt-size       0x100000
load-base       0x4000
pci-probe-list    0xffffffff
screen-#columns 0x64
screen-#rows            0x28
selftest-#megs    0x0
boot-device     scsi/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0
boot-file       /boot/vmlinux-2.2.19-pmac   // I think it is the correct
diag-service            fd:diags
input-device            kbd
output-device           /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ATY,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
boot-command            boot

The problem is that with this parameters the computer does not start.
The screen does not output any boot message, and a display says 'no
signal input or cable disconnected'.

Where is the problem? Any idea?

Help please

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