On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 04:59:12PM +0100, David Campillos wrote:
> Hi,
> ok, it starts, but did I loose the data? How can I recover the structure
> I had before?

that is the funny part ;-)
if you don't know what the settings are, you'll have to look at :
http://www.penguinppc.org/projects/quik for the correct settings for your 
and then use 'nvsetenv' to set the vars accordingly :
'nvsetenv <var> <value>

from an old paper copy (settings for a PowerMac 9600/233... didn't find 350) :
'input-device' to 'kbd'
(if you use the default graphic adapter)
('/bandit/ATY,mach64' may also work)
'boot-device' (this is the important part) -> varies :(
may be 'scsi/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0' or 'ata/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0' or ...
'boot-file' to the label you assigned to your kernel in quik.conf

The best way to find the correct boot-device may be to set 'auto-boot' to
false, and then typing 'dev / ls' at the OF prompt (but it will work only if
your output-device is correct) or look in /proc (i know it is possible to have
a copy of your OF device tree in there, but I don't know exactly where)


Simon Vallet
Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon

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