I've got a 266MHz beige G3 that I've installed woody on, but haven't
been able to boot it.  Chris Tillman was kind enough to steer me in the
right direction about dealing with quik, but I haven't gotten it to
start up yet. Google has turned up a few more resources that have been
instructive, but ultimately unsuccessful. I was wondering if anyone
could point me toward a sample file of what the output of nvsetenv
should look like on a similar machine or if someone would be kind enough
to send me the output of their nvsetenv.  I've tried changing load-base,
boot-file, boot-device, etc. and the result is a Default Catch on the
first attempt at entering "boot" or "boot linux" and CLAIM failed on
subsequent attempts.  I'm sure it's my own stupidity getting in the way
of a successful boot.


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