On Die, 2003-03-18 at 16:34, befu wrote:

> >> Section "Device"
> >>     Identifier    "ATI Rage"
> >>     Driver        "r128"
> > 
> > Your chip isn't a Rage128, try Driver "ati". The log in your bug report
> > seemed to show that though.
> > 
> >>     BusID        "PCI:0:17:0"
> >>     VideoRam    8000
> > 
> > Overriding the amount of video RAM shouldn't be necessary and can be
> > harmful under some circumstances. 8000 most definitely isn't correct.
> > 
> >>     Option        "UseFBDev"        "true"
> >> EndSection
> I tried the old setup with "ati" as the Driver and no VideoRam, but as
> before it didn't work either.
> Then I tried out every driver of the 12 suggested in the list:
> None of them worked. The "fbdev"-driver even froze the system during a never
> ending beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. The only driver that looked promising was the
> "vga"-driver (but only for 16 bpp colours!).

I didn't think the vga driver supported depths higher than 8... I doubt
it works anyway, it relies on legacy VGA stuff that probably isn't
there. Your only real choices are ati or fbdev.

> (II) ATI:  Candidate "Device" section "Generic Video Card".
> (WW) ATI:  PCI/AGP Mach64 in slot 0:17:0 could not be detected!

This could mean that the XFree86 version is too old to recognize the
chip, but...

> (WW) ****INVALID MEM ALLOCATION**** b: 0x82000000 e: 0x82ffffff correcting

... I rather suspect this is the problem. Try a 2.4 kernel, or if you
use BootX, try using the startup extension instead of the app, or try a
different bootloader if appropriate.

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast

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