On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 07:59:39AM +0100, Claas Langbehn wrote:
> Hello,
> 1. change XF86config-4 to look like this for keyboard:
> 2. change your /etc/X11/xkb/keycodes/xfree86 to look
> like this: 
> 3. Restart your X-Server ... et voila! This worked straight away 
> on my X11 server. With this you don't need any xmodmap lines.

I will try today, for the spanish keyboard, and will put it in my web page

I will do it for the spanish keyboard. Do you mind me linking your message or,
better, introducing your information in my page?


Jesus Climent | Unix SysAdm | Helsinki, Finland | pumuki.hispalinux.es
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 Registered Linux user #66350 proudly using Debian Sid & Linux 2.4.20

The world doesn't just disappear when you close your eyes, does it?
                --Leonard Shelby (Memento)

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