Il giorno Tue, 11 Mar 2003, Nicolas Bertolissio così ha scritto:

|From: Nicolas Bertolissio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 09:39:46 +0100
|Subject: Re: console: aty128fb on G4


|> Have you tried different resolutions?
|I tried with following kernel parameters:

  Of course,  you put "video=" before those lines.

|with and without frequency (theses are taken from macosx monitor
|configuration panel)

  On a 2.4.18 kernel sources I find in the
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/aty128fb.txt file:

Accepted options:

noaccel  - do not use acceleration engine. It is default.
accel    - use acceleration engine. Not finished.
vmode:x  - chooses PowerMacintosh video mode <x>. Depreciated.
cmode:x  - chooses PowerMacintosh colour mode <x>. Depreciated.
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  - selects startup videomode. See modedb.txt for detailed
            explanation. Default is 640x480x8bpp.

  I did notice some options do not actually work as described in that file,
but I did not test them on PowerMacs.  The file is also inconsistent: it gives
two different syntaxes for the video mode selection: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and 
However, you could try them.  Also:

vmode:x  - chooses PowerMacintosh video mode <x>. Depreciated.
cmode:x  - chooses PowerMacintosh colour mode <x>. Depreciated.

Even if they are "depreciated", you could try them, at worst nothing will
change, I think (hope).

|but there are strange things, for example with 1280x1024-75, messages
|log gives:
|Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x30
|should be 160x64?

  That could mean the driver finds the requested mode to be incompatible with
the system's capabilities (monitor frequencies too high, for instance), and
defaults to a lower resolution mode.  On PCs, however, I had a similar
behaviour with settings that where supported by the hardware I was using.
fbset could switch to the requested mode all right.


Bellum se ipsum alet
       La guerra nutre se stessa

Livio, Ab urbe condita, XXXIV,9

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