On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 16:07:45 +0100, Sven Luther composed:
> > 
> > btw, security updates exist for testing, too. just not unstable (for
> > obvious reasons).
> Erm, i don't think this is true, quite the contrary. It was even told
> that since testing is currently so out of date, due to the soon to be
> fixed glibc issue, that it is more outdated, broken and insecure than
> either woody or unstable.
> So, i would recomend anyone with security problems to not use testing,
> but woody with unstable backports if needed, or unstable.
> Friendly,
> Sven Luther

yeh that's true. i forgot that plain simple fact. well, in usual
circumstances it's true what i said, but currently, follow sven's


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