Again?! ..well...yes am back to Debian with my iBook-Tangerine because visited someone's site mentioning that
modprobe dmasound_pmac at kernel-2.4.18 works fine for Tangerine too and since OSX might be too heavy chose the way to keep myself @ prompt (command-line-oriented) so did a basic install did no taskel nor dselect but chose a module install for dmasound and to do the testings agt-get-ed mpg123 and simply tried to run a mp3 file but a scolling of a buch of messages continued and no sound came out also apt-gett-ed workbone punching "workbone" only made its help come out and didn't work like it did at my poor old GatewaySOLO(=Slackware installed) now what does this stupid newbie have to start from? BTW are people with non-us keyboard used to fix the keymap (i mean the txt file of it) by themselves? jp106 doesn't work to bring out "_" ao am staying at us-keymap and figuring out to punch the special letters.. BUYO-BUYO-IGOR------------------ "SaRiGaMa's Oil Vending Orchestra"