On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 01:55:03PM -0600, Craig P Steffen wrote:
> I just installed new-powerpc Debian (testing) on my Apple iBook.  I dual-boot
> with Mac OS X.  I am running the stock kernel that came with the new-powermac
> installation, 2.4.18-newpmac.
> When Linux boots, it sets is time to 14 hours ahead of what it should be,
> whereas Mac OS X has the correct idea of the time.  Is there a quick fix for
> this?  Something in a config file that I can tweak?  There's a web page where
> someone describes having that same problem (near the bottom of the page):
> http://gecius.de/linux/IBook2.html
> He mentions that Ben H. (of iBook kernel fame) said that you need to get get 
> Mac
> OS X to have the RTC be set to Universal time, but doesn't say how to actually
> do this. 

I don't know how that's done. With MacOS 9 that option wasn't available, so we
just had to rollover and do it the Mac's way. That is, the Mac kept the clock
in local time, so you set Linux to be in local time also. You can do this using
date and hwclock --systohc, but the easier way is just to re-run 
and tell it you want the clock to be local time, not GMT.
"The way the Romans made sure their bridges worked is what 
we should do with software engineers. They put the designer 
under the bridge, and then they marched over it." 
-- Lawrence Bernstein, Discover, Feb 2003

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