On Fre, 2003-02-14 at 22:30, Nirmal Govind wrote: 
> Hi.. I'm trying to get LyX (www.lyx.org) working on my ibook with the
> benh kernel.. LyX uses Qt as a frontend so I downloaded and compiled qt
> 3.0.7 with gcc 3.2.1. 

Why didn't you simply install libqt3-dev?

> I then compiled lyx with gcc 3.2.1.. compile goes
> fine but when I startup lyx I get the following error:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/opt/lyx-1.3.0$ src/lyx
> src/lyx: relocation error: src/lyx: undefined symbol: _ZN5QChar4nullE
> I've checked with the LyX developers and they are looking at it but
> they've asked me to check with debian developers too.. and the error
> isn't very descriptive so that doesn't help much either..

Indeed, but the undefined symbol smells like Qt to me. Is it picking up
the libqt.so.3 you built it against?

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast

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