On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 18:51, Derrik Pates wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 11:08:21PM +1100, Andrew Nesbit wrote:
> > One of the pages at ppckernel.org says that the BenH and BK trees are
> > slightly different and maintained by different people: BenH doing one tree
> > and Cort Dougan doing the BK tree. Surely this is outdated information?
> > 
> > Also, what is the difference between the PPC kernel trees, linuxppc_2_5,
> > linuxppc_2_4, linuxppc_2_4_devel and linuxppc_2_4_benh? Which ones does
> > Ben maintain, and who maintains the others? Is thelinuxppc_2_4_benh tree
> > different depending on whether it's obtained by rsync, vs BK?
> linuxppc_2_5 is, obviously, Linus's 2.5 tree plus PowerPC-related
> additions (which will eventually be merged into 2.5 mainline).

It's actually linuxppc-2.5, the "old" linuxppc_2_5 tree was used when
Linus didn't us bk, it's no longer maintained.

> linuxppc_2_4 is the stable PowerPC specific 2.4 tree (all, or the
> majority, of which has been merged into Marcelo's 2.4 tree, I think).

Mostly. A few newer stuffs that didn't make it into Marcelo's 2.4 are

> linuxppc_2_4_devel is where any remaining 2.4-specific development by
> Cort is going on, and linuxppc_2_4_benh is Ben's tree (where the really
> experimental stuff is). The rsync is just a regular snapshot of the
> BitKeeper tree.

Actually, Cort is no longer maintaining PPC trees. linuxppc_2_4_devel
contains support for more boards and is (slowly) beeing merged into
linuxppc_2_4 and Marcelo as well. It was used as a playground for new
developements when 2.5 wasn't started yet, and is used for new board
support in 2.4 before it's ready for the stable tree.

My rsync kernel (also available as patches against official 2.4 on
ftp.kernel.org) is based on linuxppc_2_4. It contains additional
cutting-edge support for PowerMac machines. It's not really experimental
any more, but some stuffs here didn't make it into the other trees yet
for various reasons. I also have a kernel for experimental stuffs, but I
don't advertise it to avoid adding more confusion ;)

Note that the current maintainer of the entire PPC architecture is Paul
Mackerras (Cort resigned a while ago). I maintain the PowerMac support,
and various other people are involved in support for the bazillion of
boards/platforms supported by the PPC kernel.

Benjamin Herrenschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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