
FWIW I've just re-installed woody on my 8100/80 nubus Mac with the 2.4.19rc1 kernel.

I reported previously that when I installed potato (kernel 2.2.5 IIRC) the installation automatically configured my network connection from the dhcp server but when reinstalling/upgrading to woody 2.4.19 I had to manually configure the network.

It seems that dhcp-client works with 2.2.x kernels but is broken with 2.4.x kernels - is this a bug?

However, the good news is that using the excellent dselect, I swapped pump for dhcp-client and it worked "out of the box" after I reset /etc/network/interfaces to read:

# For a dynamic setup with dhcp you need:
 iface eth0 inet dhcp
 auto eth0

Magic ;-)


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