
In the past week I have been suffering from a rather odd bug (or pair of
bugs perhaps) on my woody iBook: keys on the keyboard seem to be sticking
down and my mouse is quite jerky.  This problem has not cropped up in Mac
OS X and I am pretty sure it isn't my hardware, but that is obviously not
a proof.

Both these problems are intermittent and seem to occur at the same time
(though I may be wrong here -- the bug(s) don't seem particularly
reproducible, they just happen).  I have tried plugging a USB mouse in at
the same time, and when the trackpad becomes unresponsive / jerky, the USB
mouse seems just fine.

Attached is a vim session (and brain dump) I have just done which roughly
indicates the frequency of of the sticky keys problem.  Any advice on what
to look at / try uninstalling, in order to work out what is going on,
would be most appreciated.

Thaaaaanks :)


Is this going to break the keys?

I think it might in a second.

Come on you slagg.

Yes        -- we have key breakdown !

Look    if i just sit   here and type, there are lots of odd key repeats
in this text.  Oh no, it has stopped for the time being.  But maybe
it will start again in a second?  Having a usb keyboard might be 
useful for debugging this behavious, because at least I could eliminate my 
crrrrrrrrrapple keyboooooooooard

Okay -- that started repeating a lot.   
Let us try to get it to break again with this dodgy keyboard                    

Damn I just tried with the USB mouse, and while the trackpad one seizes up and 
goes jerky,
using the USB mouse is just fine

Right, now I am using ssh to connect to this iBook just in case it happens here.
Nothing sinister -- I think I will avoid this line of investigation.

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