Vincent Lefevre sez:
} On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 15:14:45 -0000, Kevin Smith wrote:
} > Can any suggest a "really" good email client that also supports IMAP?
} I'm using Mutt. IMAP support isn't very stable (it sometimes crashes,
} though I think it hadn't for a few months here) and it has some small
} bugs related to threading (with acceptable workaround), otherwise IMAP
} support is OK. And Mutt itself is really great.

Are you using a dev version of mutt? I've been using the latest release
(1.4 from unstable, though on x86) with IMAP with no problems
whatsoever. The only problem I have with it is getting internal
configuration variables into external scripts (not currently supported,
rarely useful but I'd still like it).

} Vincent Lef?vre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Web: <> - 100%

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