> > The reason you cannot see it is due to no Apple drivers being on it, even if
> > you have a HFS partition.  I tried the exact same thing, and kicked myself
> > after I found this out as this wasn't the setup I wanted.
> No, the magical "mount on boot" bit in the partition table entries for
> those HFS partitions don't get set by Linux's mac-fdisk tool. You have
> to boot MacOS and use Drive Setup to enable those bits (which MacOS sets
> by default when it makes filesystems).

What bit needs to be set in the partition table? I see a bunch of flag
definitions in the source (dpme.h), which one do you mean?

    u32     dpme_flags;
#if 0
    u32     dpme_reserved_2    : 23 ;  /* Bit 9 through 31.        */
    u32     dpme_os_specific_1 :  1 ;  /* Bit 8.                   */
    u32     dpme_os_specific_2 :  1 ;  /* Bit 7.                   */
    u32     dpme_os_pic_code   :  1 ;  /* Bit 6.                   */
    u32     dpme_writable      :  1 ;  /* Bit 5.                   */
    u32     dpme_readable      :  1 ;  /* Bit 4.                   */
    u32     dpme_bootable      :  1 ;  /* Bit 3.                   */
    u32     dpme_in_use        :  1 ;  /* Bit 2.                   */
    u32     dpme_allocated     :  1 ;  /* Bit 1.                   */
    u32     dpme_valid         :  1 ;  /* Bit 0.                   */

Setting the appropriate bit by default on HFS partitions should not hurt
anyone, should it?


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