hi debian on powerpc user

i installed debian on my beige G3, no problem till now:

i have 2 disk, one untouched, with an Mac0S 9, and the other with debian
and an HFS partiton on it. i boot with bootX over the MacOS

now my problem: i want to have a 6 GB hfs partition on the second disk.
the partiton exist allready, the type is Apple_HFS, i created it with
fdisk, although its not recommeded in the installation manual.

if i boot from the macOS, i cannot see the HFS partition from the second
disk. i tried to reformat it under macOS, "hard disk tool kit" knows the
partiton but didnt allow to reformat it. i there any other software to
use under macOS 9 for repartitioning ?

any idee ?

martin krung



me and my friend kurt kuene


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