On Sat, Jan 11, 2003 at 07:09:04PM -0800, Steven Schlansker wrote:
> (I hope this is the right list to post this on.  If it's not, please
> tell me)
> I have just finished installing Debian, and I tried to make it
> bootable.  I then restarted the machine, and Open Firmware popped up
> saying 'CLAIM failed'  I looked in the documentation, and it said that
> my 6360 can't boot with an internal video card.  I have neither a
> serial console or an external card.  Is there an alternative, such as
> using my G4 tower as a serial console, and if nothing else, where I can
> find such a serial console.  Thanks a bunch,
> Steven Schlansker

A message in the archives mentions that it won't boot if the
OpenFirmware default output device is the video card; and 
must be set to serial I/O (ttya). Is this what the docs you
are referring to say?

If so, that won't actually prevent it from booting. If you
set the output device to ttya, you won't see OpenFirmware
on the screen, but others have had success booting; once 
Linux is booted it initializes the video.

However, the CLAIM failed might mean your boot-device setting isn't
correct, you can use 

nvsetenv boot-device [EMAIL PROTECTED]:0

or something similar (you will need a valid OF path) from the
installer's shell.

"The way the Romans made sure their bridges worked is what 
we should do with software engineers. They put the designer 
under the bridge, and then they marched over it." 
-- Lawrence Bernstein, Discover, Feb 2003

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