I own a TiBook 1st generation, G4 400Mhz, rage 128 8Mo RAM, LCD resolution of 1152x768, and i only have Debian installed.
I'm using: - XFree86 version: - Kernel 2.4.20-ben1. r128 module. - resolution of 1152x768x16 And everything works well. Xv works and OpenGL windows are accelerated. I know that with the same hardware under MacOS 9, you have to possiblity to change the resolution of the screen to 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768. When you choose a resolution smaller than the physical LCD, the framebuffer is automatically scaled fullscreen and anti-aliased. I notice that when you use Xv extension to display YUV framebuffers, you may scale it fullscreen using hardware (mplayer does it). But when SDL applications enable the fullscreen mode they stay in the center of the screen. Is it possible to - start the X server in an alternative resolution on the LCD, having it scaled or not ? - having the SDL_FULLSCREEN flag working ? My aim is to play 3D accelerated OpenGL apps in 800x600 or 640x480 resolution in fullscreen mode. (I don't care about the vga output.) I currently use the folowing modeline for the LCD 1152x768x16: Modeline "1152x768" 78.741 1152 1173 1269 1440 768 769 772 800 +HSync +VSync I would like to thank the people who took care of the various tibook drivers, especially Michel Daenzer and Benjamin Herrenschmidt, allowing us to run smoothly Debian on this great hardware. -- Antony Lesuisse GPG EA2CCD66: 4B7F 6061 3DF5 F07A ACFF F127 6487 54F7 EA2C CD66